· Shannon · News  · 2 min read

So what's all this about then?

It's been a strange couple years. But what now?

It's been a strange couple years.  But what now?

Things are afoot around these parts.

It’s still very early days in the grand scheme of things to come, but the first step of any great online endeavour is a website of course1, so it’s time to open the windows and air this place out a bit, and start building something beyond the “thanks for all the fish but we’re shutting down this whole web hosting thing” landing page that’s been here since 2021.

Current plans will require a website that is quite a bit more flexible and, dare I say it ‘product platformy’ than Wordpress is out of the box, and having learned my lesson years ago by trying to shoehorn a web content management system into being an entire ERP+CRM platform to run an entire business, I figured step one was to go figure out the current state of web development frameworks, you know, figure out what the cool web development kids are using in 2024 to build new sites and products.

Apparently that means… Javascript? Wow. Okay. I don’t think “Me of the 90s” would have ever thought that pesky little browser language we learned just so our websites could have funky mouse cursor effects would someday become a backend server language just for serious business.. But okay, sure, I’ll play along… NodeJS it is.

For right now, as part of the experiment called “Learn NodeJS” phase of things, I’ve found a basic site skeleton, beat it into something resembling the look I want, and am currently porting over some old content from the previous of Pure Energy that I believe has value even outside a context of a web hosting service provider.

I know this article doesn’t really provide many answers about what is coming, where I went, or really answer much of anything other than “Hey, is anything going on over there?”

Yes. Something is very much going on.. over here.


  1. Yes, as a former purveyor of web hosting services, I would be expected to say such a thing. However, even now having no such products to sell, I still believe every business, even an ‘offline’ one, should control its own web presence and not rely on the multitude of platforms like Facebook, Yelp, etc for its livelihood. One day I’ll write a blog all about the pains I watched local businesses go thru at the start of the 2020 Pandemic due to not having direct control of their online presence.

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